What are the main types of air pollutants? - e-magazine

2021-12-13 19:33:15 By : Mr. Hui Zhang

Humans take at least 23,000 breaths every day, whether at home, at work or in the car. Although these are a lot of breaths, most people don't realize it because the breath is invisible. However, we still cannot see a large number of pollutants, they are invisible particles and gases that pollute the air. Surprisingly, according to the World Health Organization, nine out of ten people around the world breathe unsafe air. The following are the main types of air pollutants you should worry about.

Also called particulate pollution, they are a combination of solid and liquid substances. They mix to form large particles, which can cause serious damage if inhaled. Particulate matter includes soot and dust (visible) and other invisible particles, making them a serious threat to indoor air quality. Particulates usually cause harm to people with lung disease and heart disease.

There are two sizes of particles:

Ozone is a common greenhouse grass and is currently the second most dangerous gas that aggravates lung diseases such as emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis. Unlike particulate matter, ozone gas mainly affects people who spend most of their time outdoors. The harmless good ozone naturally occurs in the upper atmosphere, while the bad ozone occurs on the surface when chemical pollutants react in the presence of light.

Carbon monoxide is a common air pollutant that most people understand. Like other pollutants, this gas is formed by burning fossil fuels, mainly from vehicles and industry. The danger of carbon monoxide is very common indoors because it prevents the body from providing an adequate supply of oxygen to the tissues.

Common signs of carbon monoxide poisoning include loss of consciousness, dizziness, and death when inhaled in high concentrations. Fortunately, you can use a variety of air purification technologies to improve indoor air quality.

Nitrogen oxide is another dangerous air pollutant produced by burning fossil fuels. What makes this gas very dangerous is its odorlessness and high reactivity. It reacts with other particles in the air to form particulate matter and ground-level ozone. It is also the main cause of acid rain. Several studies have linked the increase in nitrogen oxide levels with the increase in asthma cases because it increases susceptibility to allergies, respiratory problems, and lung cancer.

Other dangerous air pollutants include sulfur oxides, ammonia and lead. Long-term exposure to these gases can cause serious health effects. Although exposure cannot be avoided, you can reduce its impact by minimizing exposure and monitoring air quality. The best way to monitor air quality is to invest in gas and particle sensors. To this end, Alphasense manufactures high-quality industrial-grade air sensors that meet your needs.

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