Tata Group will build 450 oxygen plants, each worth 7.5 million rupees | Business Standard News

2021-12-06 16:24:43 By :

Topic Coronavirus | Tata Advanced System | Oxygen

Jody Mukul | New Delhi last updated on April 30, 2021 22:38 IST

According to an alliance government tender awarded to Tata Advanced Systems and Trident Pneumatics, the establishment of a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plant only costs 7.5 million rupees and some taxes. Although the order for 450 PSAs has been given to Tata Group, the remaining 50 units will be provided by Trident.

The government has ordered a total of 500 PSA or on-site oxygen generators, and the remaining 51 will be delivered in the next few days. However, these devices will take at least three months to build. The Federal Ministry of Health has launched a similar tender for PSA,...

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